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The City of Ellendale provides services for water, sewer and garbage pickup. Residents and Commercial users are charged monthly at the following rates:



Water - $33 base rate plus $8 per 1000 gallons of usage with a minimum usage charge of 1000 gallons per month.

Sewer is $23 per month.

Garbage is $13.50 per month (with an added 9.75% SWM Tax fee).


Commercial water rates are the same as residential.

Sewer Commercial is $23 per month.

Sewer Constant is $65.00 (commercial businesses who use over 10,000 gallons of water per month on average).

No garbage service is provided for commercial accounts. 


Questions? Contact City Hall, (507) 684-2681.

For information on electrical, natural gas, telephone and cable television services view the FAQs

Service Providers


Metronet  877-407-3224

Radio Link Internet: 507-417-4176

Cable TV:

Direct TV: 1-866-761-1256

Cable TV/Internet:

Dish TV: 1-866-738-0880

Telephone/Internet/Cable TV: 

Frontier: (800) 921-8101

Consolidated Communications: 844.YOUR.CCI [1-844-968-7224]

Midcontinent Communications: 1-800-888-1300


Thompson Sanitation: (507) 256-4370

     Garbage removal service is contracted through the City.

Electrical Service:

Steele-Waseca Cooperative Electric:

     (507) 451-7340 or 1-(800) 526-3514 for Customer Service during open hours and to report an        outage call after hours.

Natural Gas:

Minnesota Energy Resources:

     For 24 hour Customer Service call 1-800-889-9508. 

     For 24 hour Emergency Service call 1-800-889-4970.

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